Font Awesome is standard included with APEX 5 and you can use the icons on buttons, there is a special property for that.
I was playing around the other day and I wanted to include some Font Awesome icons in my report.
First create a report (classic or interactive, whatever you want) and use the following query:
select empno ,case mod (rownum, 2) when 0 then 'male' when 1 then 'female' end gender ,ename ,job from empBecause the EMP table doesn't have a gender column, I decided to create one using a CASE statement. Some are "male" and some are "female".
Navigate to the GENDER column. With the GENDER column highlighted, move your attention to the right side of the Page Designer and focus on the Properties panel.
In the section labelled "Column Formatting", enter the following for "HTML Expression":
<span class="t-Icon fa-#GENDER#"></span>The names of the font awesome icons always start with "fa-", so this is prefixed to the content of the GENDER column. The result of a "female"-rows will be
<span class="t-Icon fa-female"></span>For "male"-rows it will be
<span class="t-Icon fa-male"></span>
And that's it.
The report will look like the screenshot below. As you can see there are icons for the males and the females in the EMP table.