11 October 2016

OTN Appreciation Day: Analytic Functions

This is my contribution to the OTN Appreciation Day, which was initiated by Tim Hall.

One of my favorite features of the Oracle Database are Analytic Functions. They were introduced with Oracle Database 8.1.6 Enterprise Edition, and have been in the Standard Edition since version 9.

With analytic functions you can add inter-row calculations, aggegrate over multiple dimensions, rank assignments based on values. All this without a GROUP BY clause.
The syntax might take some getting used to, but you'll find that it's not that hard.

While I was still working at AMIS, I followed their 7UP training (all new features starting from Oracle 7 onwards) and that's when I first learned about Analytic Functions.
A little bit after that training, while doing consulting work for T-Mobile, I was triggered by a colleague to come up with an analytic function solution to the problem at hand. That was the moment that I really fell in love with Analytic Functions. It provided a very elegant and extremely performant solution.
The blog I wrote back then is still available at the AMIS-site: Analytic Power


07 October 2016

Iconic Breadcrumbs in APEX

Normally when you use a Breadcrumb in an APEX application you enter the data and that's it. The breadcrumb will look something like this:

Or when you reduce the screen, the Breadcrumb will look slightly different:

It's trivial to replace the text that you enter in the Breadcrumb with a little bit of markup and show a Font Awesome (or with APEX 5.1 Font APEX) icon.

<span class="fa fa-home"></span>
Now the text will be replaced with a little house.

And resized, it will look like this

If you want to use this, keep in mind that this solution is not screen-reader-friendly. Personally I would only use it for "top-level" Breadcrumbs, keeping the same images that you use in the Navigation Menu.

26 September 2016

Celebrate Batman Day with SQL

Because today is Batman Day, it calls for a celebration of the SQL type:
SQL> select listagg (b)
  2        within group (order by null) ||' Batman'
  3    from (select 0f/0 b
  4        from dual
  5      connect by level <= 14
  6      );

NanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNanNan Batman

01 September 2016

RegExp: Constraint to prevent spaces at the beginning or end.

Even though a space is a regular character, the client didn't want spaces at the beginning or end of a string. Any spaces in the middle were fine.
Of course this could be handled by the application, but it must also be implemented in the database. Using a check constraint with a regular expression will prevent the end user from entering unwanted data.

To try things out, let's just start with a simple table with a single column.

   create table test
   (str varchar2(10));

Now the magic part: add a check constraint using a regular expression

   alter table test
   add constraint str_chk check (
      regexp_like (str, '^[^[:space:]].+[^[:space:]]$')

The regular expression reads: The string should start (the first caret) with any character which is not in the character class of [:space:], followed by one or more characters (the period) and it should end with (the dollar) any character as long as it's not in the character class of [:space:].

UPDATE - 07-Sept-2016

The expression that is used in the above constraint will also prevent from a single allowed character or double character to be entered. This omission has been corrected by David Grimberg. The correct regular expression should be:


To test the constraint, the following insert statement were used.

   insert into test values ('hello');
   insert into test values ('hel lo');
   -- Not allowed:
   --   starting with a space
   insert into test values (' hello');
   --   ending with a space
   insert into test values ('hello ');
   --   just a space
   insert into test values (' ');
   --   multiple spaces
   insert into test values ('   ');
   --   Tab
   insert into test values (chr(9));
   --   Line feed
   insert into test values (chr(10));
   --   Carrige Return
   insert into test values (chr(13));

31 May 2016

Top N- queries: using the 12c syntax.

One of the new features with Oracle database 12c is the new syntax for Top N queries and pagination. Did we really need this? Should you choose for the new syntax over the way we used to do it, with an inline view? I think so, it simply adds syntactic clarity to the query, and in this blogpost I will show the difference between the "old" and the "new".

For the examples I will use my all time favourite demo data: the EMP table.

SQL> select ename
  2        ,sal
  3    from emp
  4   order by sal desc
  5  /

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
KING             5000
FORD             3000
SCOTT            3000
JONES            2975
BLAKE            2850
CLARK            2450
ALLEN            1600
TURNER           1500
MILLER           1300
WARD             1250
Widlake          1250
ADAMS            1100
JAMES             950
SMITH             800

14 rows selected.
As you can tell from the output above, KING has the highest salary and FORD and SCOTT have the same salary which is the second highest.

If you wanted to write a Top N query before Oracle database 12c, let's say the Top 2 of most earning EMP, you would probably have written something with an inline view.

SQL> select ename
  2        ,sal
  3    from (select ename
  4                ,sal
  5            from emp
  6           order by sal desc
  7         )
  8   where rownum <= 2
  9  /

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
KING             5000
SCOTT            3000
This query might do the job most of the time, but the results might not be what you were looking for. In this case the requirement is "the Top 2 of most earning EMP", SCOTT and FORD should have both been in the results as they have the same salary.
To resolve this, you would have to rewrite your query using an Analytic Ranking Function in the inline view:
SQL> select ename
  2        ,sal
  3    from (select ename
  4                ,sal
  5                ,rank() over (order by sal desc) rn
  6            from emp
  7         )
  8   where rn <= 2
  9  /

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
KING             5000
SCOTT            3000
FORD             3000

Using the new Top N syntax in Oracle database 12c, the query is a lot easier to understand.

SQL> select ename
  2        ,sal
  3    from emp
  4   order by sal desc
  5   fetch first 2 rows with ties
  6  /

ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
KING             5000
SCOTT            3000
FORD             3000
On line 4 the results are sorted based on the salary (highest on top) and line 5 instructs to get the first two rows. Because of the addition "with ties" both SCOTT and FORD are shown in the results.
To see what happens under the covers, an explain plan is created for this query.
SQL> explain plan for
  2  select ename
  3        ,sal
  4    from emp
  5   order by sal desc
  6   fetch first 2 rows with ties
  7  /


SQL> select *
  2    from table (dbms_xplan.display())
  3  /

Plan hash value: 3291446077

| Id  | Operation                | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT         |      |    14 |   644 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  VIEW                    |      |    14 |   644 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK|      |    14 |   154 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL     | EMP  |    14 |   154 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter("from$_subquery$_002"."rowlimit_$$_rank"<=2)

16 rows selected.
The output above shows that the Analytic Function RANK is used.

18 May 2016

Rounding amounts, divide cents over multiple lines

In previous articles I wrote about dealing with a missing cent when you need to divide a certain amount over multiple lines. In these articles, links are at the bottom, I described a method to calculate the difference on the last row.
Then a question arose (as a comment):
What if for example i have 42 records and i wish to divide 100 by 42. I would get a rounded value of 2.38. If i multiply this by 42 it would amount to just 99.96. What if want to spread the .04 difference on 4 records, not just the last record. In effect i'll be having 4 records with 2.39. Right now i'm doing this via cursor. Im kinda hoping i can do this using sql or analytic functions
Let's create a table first, called T:
create table t
select rownum id
  from dual
 connect by level <= 42
In order to determine the number of rows, we need three pieces of information:
  1. The amount that we need to divide
  2. The total number of rows in the set
  3. The difference between the rounded amount and the amount that we need to divide
 select id
      ,100 amount
      ,count(*) over () entries
      ,round (100 / count(*) over (), 2) rounded
    from t
To calculate how many rows will have the extra cent added or subtracted, the following formula is used.
abs (amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100
When you want the rounding done on the "first" rows, a simple CASE expression can be used to mark the rows
when rownum <= abs ((amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100)
then 'x'
end as indicator
The query now looks like the following, with the first ten rows:
with amounts
( select id
      ,100 amount
      ,count(*) over () entries
      ,round (100 / count(*) over (), 2) rounded
    from t
select id
       when rownum <= abs ((amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100)
       then 'x'
       end as indicator
 from amounts
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -
  1   100       42       2.38 x
  2   100       42       2.38 x
  3   100       42       2.38 x
  4   100       42       2.38 x
  5   100       42       2.38
  6   100       42       2.38
  7   100       42       2.38
  8   100       42       2.38
  9   100       42       2.38
 10   100       42       2.38
The last piece of the puzzle is to determine if we need to add or subtract the cent. Using the SIGN function is an easy way to determine this.
sign (amount - (entries * rounded)) as pos_neg
Putting everything together will give you the following query (with the first 10 rows)
with amounts
( select id
      ,100 amount
      ,count(*) over () entries
      ,round (100 / count(*) over (), 2) rounded
    from t
,indicators as 
select id
       when rownum <= abs ((amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100)
       then 'x'
       end as indicator
      ,sign (amount - (entries * rounded)) as pos_neg
 from amounts
select id
      ,rounded +
       (nvl2 (indicator, 0.01, 0) * pos_neg) final_amount
  from indicators
---------- ------------
  1    2.39
  2    2.39
  3    2.39
  4    2.39
  5    2.38
  6    2.38
  7    2.38
  8    2.38
  9    2.38
 10    2.38

And there it is. The rounding is divided over the first four rows.

Don't want to use the first rows, but the last rows instead? Use the following expression to set the indicator
when rownum >
 case sign ((amount - (entries * rounded)))
   when -1 then entries - abs ((amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100)
   else entries - (amount - (entries * rounded)) * 100
then 'x'
end as indicator


18 March 2016

Temporal validity, multiple end dates

Recently I got involved in a question on Temporal Validity Periods together with Chris Saxon, one of the askTom-answer team.

The question was along the lines of: "What if I have a single start date but two possible end dates. One of the end dates is filled automatically by a background proces (could be a job) while the other one is to signal that the end date is set manually by the user. Could you use Temporal Validity to get the correct rows?"

My first reaction was: "Yes, you can have multiple validity periods on a single table... but wouldn't it be better to have a single end date and another column to signal if it was set by an automatic proces or by a manual process?". In the latter case you would only need a single validity period.

It got me thinking though... would it be possible to define a single validity period when three (one start and two end dates) are involved?

Let's start by creating a table and populate it with some sample data.

   create table t
   (id              number       primary key
   ,name            varchar2(50) not null
   ,start_date      date         not null
   ,end_date        date
   ,manual_end_date date

The table is fairly straight forward: a surrogate primary key, a name, a start date and two end dates: end_date and manual_end_date.

Next populate the table with some sample data. The name column is used to signal what the row represent, being a row that is current or not (based on sysdate).

   insert into t (id, name, start_date) values (1, 'no end, current', sysdate - 10);
   insert into t (id, name, start_date) values (2, 'no end, not current', sysdate + 10);

   insert into t (id, name, start_date, end_date) values (3, 'current', sysdate - 10, sysdate + 10);
   insert into t (id, name, start_date, end_date) values (4, 'not current, past', sysdate - 10, sysdate -9);
   insert into t (id, name, start_date, end_date) values (5, 'not current, future', sysdate + 10, sysdate +20);

   insert into t (id, name, start_date, manual_end_date) values (6, 'current', sysdate - 10, sysdate + 10);
   insert into t (id, name, start_date, manual_end_date) values (7, 'not current, past', sysdate - 10, sysdate -9);
   insert into t (id, name, start_date, manual_end_date) values (8, 'not current, future', sysdate + 10, sysdate +20);


select *
  from t;

        ID NAME                                               START_DAT END_DATE  MANUAL_EN ABSOLUTE_
---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
         1 current, no end                                    08-MAR-16
         2 not current, no end                                28-MAR-16
         3 current                                            08-MAR-16 28-MAR-16           28-MAR-16
         4 not current, past                                  08-MAR-16 09-MAR-16           09-MAR-16
         5 not current, future                                28-MAR-16 07-APR-16           07-APR-16
         6 current                                            08-MAR-16           28-MAR-16 28-MAR-16
         7 not current, past                                  08-MAR-16           09-MAR-16 09-MAR-16
         8 not current, future                                28-MAR-16           07-APR-16 07-APR-16

8 rows selected.

Now that the table is populated with the sample data, we can start the experiment. Can you have a temporal validity period based on an expression?

   SQL> alter table t
     2  add period for regular (start_date, coalesce (end_date, manual_end_date))
     3  /
   add period for regular (start_date, coalesce (end_date, manual_end_date))
   ERROR at line 2:
   ORA-02000: missing ) keyword

Uhm,... no.
What about moving the expression over to a virtual column and use the virtual column in the temporal validity period?

   SQL> alter table t
     2  add absolute_end_date generated always
     3  as (coalesce (end_date, manual_end_date))
     4  /

   Table altered.

   SQL> alter table t
     2  add period for virt_col (start_date, absolute_end_date)
     3  /

   Table altered.

So far, so good. When playing around with temporal validity periods I ran into a bug by extracting the DDL using DBMS_METADATA, so let's see what Oracle makes of this combination of virtual column and the validity period.

   SQL> set long 9000
SQL> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl ('TABLE', 'T')
  2    from dual
  3  /


   ( "ID" NUMBER,

As you can see from the output above, all seems to be just fine.
But now for the real test and query the table using the temporal validity.

   SQL> select *
     2    from t as of period for virt_col sysdate
     3  /

           ID NAME                                               START_DAT END_DATE  MANUAL_EN ABSOLUTE_
   ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
            1 current, no end                                    08-MAR-16
            3 current                                            08-MAR-16 28-MAR-16           28-MAR-16
            6 current                                            08-MAR-16           28-MAR-16 28-MAR-16

That worked! Awesome!.. Virtual Columns with a Temporal validity period, wonderful.

I ran these test on my virtual box, using the pre-built developer appliance, so it might not be the latest patch release or anything.

   SQL> select *
  2    from v$version
  3  /

BANNER                                                                               CON_ID
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production              0
PL/SQL Release - Production                                                    0
CORE Production                                                                0
TNS for Linux: Version - Production                                            0
NLSRTL Version - Production                                                    0
