02 July 2015

Conditional Compilation and Static Boolean

One of my pet-projects is LoggerUtil, which is a utility for Logger, which is an excellent logging tool for PL/SQL.
This post is not about Logger, but some dealings with Conditional Compilation.

With Conditional Compilation you can create a single code base to handle different functionalities depending on compiler flags.
The latest addition to LoggerUtil was a method to create a custom template. For this to work, LoggerUtil depends on a certain Logger Release (where issue #103 is implemented). The dependency lies in the fact that the custom template is stored in the LOGGER_PREFS table and before issue #103 was resolved there was no way to add data to the LOGGER_PREFS table (or at least not a supported way).

Conditinal Compilation is just what the doctor ordered. With a Conditional Compilation directive you can check if Logger is at least version 3, so we can have a supported way of writing into the LOGGER_PREFS table. Sounds easy enough.

And this is where I made some discoveries about Conditional Compilation.

Let's begin with a package specification with only CONSTANTS in there.

      create or replace package constants_pkg
         version   constant varchar2(10) := '1.2.3';
         major_num constant number := 1;
         major_int constant pls_integer := 1;
         major_vc  constant varchar2(1) := 'a';
      end constants_pkg;
There are a few variations in there, starting with the current method that Logger has implemented the version number (the constant called VERSION).
Second there is a NUMBER constant.
Third is an PLS_INTEGER constant.
Fourth a variation to the first constant, just one character.

Following is a procedure, called conditional (how appropriate):

      create or replace
      procedure conditional
         $if constants_pkg.version like '1%'
            dbms_output.put_line ('string, with LIKE comparison');
         dbms_output.put_line ('This will always be displayed');
      end conditional;
The $IF, $THEN, $END are part of the syntax used for Conditional Compilation.
On line 5 the packaged constant is checked if the string start with a 1. When it does, line 7 is included in the compiled code. If the packaged constant doesn't start with a 1 then line 7 is not included in the compiled code.
You might say: "Should you do a comparison like this"
      $if to_number (substr (constants_pkg.version, 1, 1)) > 1
and you would be right, but... for this example it doesn't matter as both don't work. When you try to compile the code, you will see the following error:

-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
4/8  PLS-00174: a static boolean expression must be used

So my next attempt at getting this to work, was using the full version constant:

      $if constants_pkg.version = '1.2.3'
With the same results, the same compilation error.

What about just a single character string?

      $if constants_pkg.major_vc = '1'
...Nope, again the same compilation error.

Next up, try a NUMBER constant instead:

      $if constants_pkg.major_num = 1.0
I thought the ".0" at the end could make a difference, but alas.. same compilation error.

Last attempt: the PLS_INTEGER:

      $if constants_pkg.major_int = 1
This may not come as a surprise now, but this works. :D
This is similar to the way that Oracle does it itself.

When you want to know which release of the Oracle database you are on, you can check DBMS_DB_VERSION. There are constants defined in DBMS_DB_VERSION which you can use with Conditional Compilation.

So Martin, if you are still reading: Can I have the version as a PLS_INTEGER, please?

Links to related articles

  1. Speed Up Development with Logger
  2. Create Custom Template with LoggerUtil

1 comment:

  1. This is scheduled for version 3.2.0: https://github.com/OraOpenSource/Logger/issues/129
