When I setup an application, I usually use Dimitri Gielis' method, so instead of using "real tabs", I use a List and display that list as Tabs.
For each of the "Tabs", I also create Page Groups, just to keep things organized. Each of the List Entries will have a PL/SQL Expression for "List Entry Current for Pages Type" based on the Page Group that the "Tab" should be active. The function queries the APEX Repository, and more specifically APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES.
function page_in_group( p_app_id in number , p_page_id in number , p_page_group in varchar2 ) return boolean is l_retval boolean; l_dummy number; begin begin select 1 into l_dummy from apex_application_pages where application_id = p_app_id and page_id = p_page_id and page_group = p_page_group; l_retval := l_dummy = 1; exception when no_data_found then l_retval := false; end; return l_retval; end page_in_group;Placing the Page in the correct Page Group will now "automatically" highlight the correct "tab".